Chew on This!
A Speaker Series on Local Food Issues at the
South Osborne Farmers' Market 2019
Introducing “Chew on This!”, a bi-weekly Speaker Series at the South Osborne farmers’ market in which a variety of local food experts, activists and champions are invited to give informal mini-lectures, sharing their ideas and work and encouraging a conversation for all members of our community to participate in.
Why have Speakers at a Farmers’ Market? We recognize that the local food movement needs to be more than just buying and selling produce-- by creating a space for conversations about food and both the joys and the issues in our local food systems, we hope to create a space that encourages people to connect over ideas and action as well as delicious locally-grown products.
Who’s Speaking? Invited speakers will have a wide variety of knowledge and lived experience in food-- from farming, artisanal production, queering food spaces, labour rights in the food industry, indigenous food, culinary arts, food justice and accessibility, and creating and challenging the status quo through food and food-centric communities.
When and Where does Chew on This! happen? The speaker series will happen in a shaded tent in the grassy area west of the rink at the South Osborne Farmers’ Market every other Wednesday from 7:00-7:30 pm beginning on June 26th.
2019 Speaker List
Click on speaker names to read our blog post for each event!
July 3 Audrey Logan - 'The Garden Trapline': Poverty and the barriers and solutions to urban food security
Jul 10 Steven Watson of Commonwealth College - Indigenous Food Resurgence through the Culinary arts
Jul 24 Cora Wiens of Eadha Bread - Creating Queer Community Food Spaces
Aug 7 Laura Tait of Heart Acres Farm - The Challenges and Joys of Starting a Small Farm Business
Aug 21 Kenton Lobe of Canadian Mennonite University - Building Seed Libraries in MB
Sept 4 Jeanette Sivilay - Food sovereignty and the local food movement in Manitoba
Sept 18 Christina Hajjar of The Uniter - 'Feeding Diaspora'