photo credit: Kalynn Spain

Ordering & Delivery of Local Food,
Fireweed Food Hub brings you Winnipeg's first one-stop online distribution service for locally grown veggies, fruits, meats, grains and more, all supplied by dozens of Fireweed Food Co-op Producer Members.
Place and update online orders during our weekly ordering window (Friday through Monday at 12 noon)
Get all your food delivered in one simple weekly delivery on Wednesdays.
Invoicing and payment happens all in one place - payment terms available!
No more chasing down busy farmers, no more coordinating complicated deliveries.
Satisfy your Customers'
Demands for REAL Local Food!
Canadian consumers are demanding more local food now than ever before. Especially with the economic impacts of COVID-19 on global food prices, local and smaller-scale food production is becoming more and more competitive in price-- while also boasting better product quality, freshness, traceability, safety, and uniqueness/ seasonality.
All projections suggest this will be a permanent shift, impacting food retail and foodservice for the future.

Support and Promote a
Sustainable Food System
Local unfortunately doesn't always mean sustainable, but with Fireweed it DOES.
Our Suppliers are small and medium scale farmers and producers who are dedicated to using regenerative agricultural practices, fair labour practices, and building a more resilient food system in Manitoba.
We are also proud to offer full traceability on our products to their farm-source origins, so you can show your customers that you are supporting the growth of a more sustainable local food system!
Check out our Instagram to learn more about our Producers!